In reponse to our reading "The appropriaion and repurposing of social technologis in higher education" by A. Hemmi, S. Bayne & R. Land:
"What kinds of ‘digital pedagogies’work in these spaces, and how are they perceived and experienced by students? Consideration of such issues indicates that significant challenges remain for us as researchers, teachers and learners in a higher education increasingly informed by the digital."
- The Indian state of Tamil Nadu is giving 6.8 million free laptops to school pupils
- Uruguay plans to be the first country where all school pupils are given their own laptop
- Apple says 600 US school districts are switching to digital textbooks on iPads
- Amazon has launched a rental service in the US for digital textbooks for students
- South Korea is second in global rankings for reading, fourth for maths and fifth for science
- Family spending on education is the highest in the world, as a proportion of household income
- It has been among the most improved education systems in the world. In 1945, 78% of the population were illiterate. It now outperforms all European countries and the US at reading
- In the 1980s, South Korea banned private tutoring
- This year it introduced a ban on corporal punishment
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